TEAM is the Winner!
12 th Annual TEAM Punta Gorda Golf Tournament In memory of Judy Brentano, TEAM’s annual fund-raiser golf tournament, held each year in memory of the late Judy Brentano, TEAM’s former COO, was a great success again this year. A nearly full field of 98 golfers, both serious and “recreational” competed over 18 holes of “Captain’s Choice” (aka “Scramble”) format at the Saint Andrews South Golf Club.

A new “wine pull” fund-raising strategy was used this year, whereby tournament participants were invited to contribute $10 to pick a numbered wine cork at random from a basket of corks. The cork’s number determined the bottle of wine “won” by the donor. Over 60 bottles of donated wine were “pulled” via this method from their display on a great wine rack that Bob Bechtold (husband of Sherry Campbell) constructed for the tournament. The “wine pull” fund raising strategy, using Bob’s rack and bottles that may be donated at upcoming TEAM Mixers, should help us raise additional funds for our many community projects as a “repeatable process” in the future.
Some great prizes were donated again this year. For example, each member of the winning foursomes in each of the tournament’s two “flights” won two tickets to the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra’s season-opening concert this coming Fall, courtesy of TEAM’s great supporter and Charlotte Symphony board member Sherry Campbell.
The real winner for the day, though, was TEAM’s organization. Our annual operating budget depends heavily on the proceeds from the annual golf tournament. This year the budget enjoyed an increase of over $11,000 thanks to the golf tournament.

The post-tournament awards ceremony this year was poignant when tournament Co-chair Ed Bouton and TEAM CEO Nancy Johnson took time in their remarks to remember former TEAM Golf Committee chair Karen Wedemeyer (who passed away in early March 2017), as well as Judy. Karen’s husband Bob played in the tournament and attended the awards ceremony.
As we look ahead to next year, the date for the 2018 golf tournament has already been set. It will be held again at Saint Andrews South on Saturday, March 24, 2018. Any TEAM volunteers or other friends of TEAM interested in either serving on the Golf Committee or playing in next year’s tournament may contact Ed Bouton at .