
Following the devastation of Hurricane Charley in 2004, a group of citizens launched a citizen’s action organization whose mission was to facilitate the development and implementation of a master plan for Punta Gorda’s recovery. In four months, TEAM Punta Gorda raised over $250,000 for this effort. These funds allowed us to secure the services of noted urban planner, Jaime Correa. The master plan which was produced resulted from a series of citizen’s charettes convened by TEAM Punta Gorda.  It provided guidance and direction as numerous projects took shape in our community. Today, TEAM Punta Gorda continues to collaborate with other community organizations to foster healthy growth and development.

Years after the devastation of Hurricane Charley, TEAM is still here, working harder than ever to fulfill its mission. The focus has shifted from disaster recovery to community development, but the TEAM Punta Gorda tradition of community involvement and collaboration is still fundamental to our approach. We know that successful community projects promote community building. Our success is entirely due to volunteers who have generously contributed their talent and time to work on our projects, and our sponsors who provide the means to complete them.

Cultural Anthropologist Margaret Meade once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”.