In the Media


Working with partners to get things done, Charlotte Sun, September 27

TEAM’s 10th year is most productive yet, Charlotte Sun, August 30

Leukemia Society benefits from Pedal and Play, Florida Weekly, August 21

TEAM Punta Gorda donates check to Leukemia Cup Challenge pg1 pg2, Charlotte Sun August 15

Waste Management donates $2K to TEAM Punta Gorda, Charlotte Sun, June 27

Loaner bikes available in 6 locations, Florida Weekly, June 11

Community gardens first bloom, Charlotte Sun, June 7

A big thanks for painting home, Charlotte Sun, June 2

Sheraton becomes sixth hub for TEAM PG’s loaner bikes, Charlotte Sun, May 16

Paint your Heart Out Punta Gorda, Florida Weekly, May 2

Painting a difference in Punta Gorda, Charlotte Sun, May 2

Parkside community gardens grows and grows, Charlotte Sun, May 2

Good idea Paint Your Heart Out, Charlotte Sun, April 29

Keeping the City alive with activity, Punta Gorda Herald, April 25

Blanchard House Museum of African American History of Culture, Punta Gorda Herald, April 25

Safety Comes in First at Pedal and Play, Charlotte Sun, April 6

Pedal and Playing a Good Idea, Charlotte Sun, April 4

TEAM Projects Offer Colorful Community Improvements, Punta Gorda Herald, April 4

Mount up for Pedal and Play, Charlotte Sun, April 3 

Mayor brushes up on Program, Charlotte Sun, April 2

Teeing off for TEAM Punta Gorda, Charlotte Sun, March 28

Community Garden ready to plant, Charlotte Sun, March 14

Leave car behind as you play in Punta Gorda, Charlotte Sun, March 9

TEAM 9th Annual Golf Outing, Florida Weekly, March 6

Community Garden Taking Shape, Florida Weekly, February 26

Carved in Stone, Punta Gorda Herald, Page 1, Page 2, February 14

Spirit of Volunteerism is All Around Us, Florida Weekly, February 13

A bike may save your life-Page 1,Page 2, Punta Gorda Herald, January 31

Building a bicycle-friendly community, Florida Weekly, January 30

Honoring a cycling pioneer, Punta Gorda Herald, January 15