Punta Gorda in Bloom
Volunteer Bruce Tompkins created a masterful video of the Punta Gorda in Bloom ribbon cutting. Enjoy! Want to become involved? There’s more planned for later this year.

Punta Gorda in Bloom celebrated the completion of its first successful phase of plantings in and around Hector Square, the Historic Courthouse and Taylor Street.Punta Gorda in Bloom celebrated the completion of its first successful phase of plantings in and around Hector Square, the Historic Courthouse and Taylor Street.TEAM Punta Gorda celebrated the completion of Punta Gorda in Bloom’s latest beautification project at an April 19, 2021 ribbon cutting sponsored by the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce. According to TEAM CEO Nancy Johnson, the purpose of the event was to “recognize the accomplishment of TEAM Punta Gorda and the Green Thumbs organization in completing the Taylor Street beautification project.”
PG in Bloom founder and chairman Richard Polk was honored as were many volunteers, most of whom are members of the PGI Green Thumbs organization. Benefactor Alan Schulman and his wife Barbara were recognized for their contribution to all that blooms in Punta Gorda, including the History Park gardens.
Punta Gorda Chamber President John Wright introduced speakers Richard Polk, Nancy Johnson, and Mayor Lynne Matthews. Matthews acknowledged the efforts of the volunteers, the Green Thumbs organization and TEAM PG and she confirmed City approval of the next phase of planting along Marion Avenue. Attending the event were several members of Punta Gorda City Council, City Manager Greg Murray, Assistant City Manager Melissa Reichert, and others from City Staff. A number of TEAM Punta Gorda directors and committee chairpersons were also present. Following the ribbon cutting, TEAM volunteers hosted a reception in the nearby Charlotte Community Foundation courtyard to honor those who had worked so hard on the project.