Maestro Ponti energizes the crowd.

New President Eric DeYoung, CEO Nancy Johnson, and Past President Shelly Harris

Full house at the PGICA for TEAM’s Annual Meeting

TEAM CEO Nancy Johnson and Charlotte Symphony Maestro Raffaele Ponti addressed an attentive crowd of 179 people at the January 26, 2017 Annual Community Meeting. The program was preceded by a “mix and mingle” party. TEAM projects and initiatives were represented at individual information tables. Volunteers had an opportunity to share their enthusiasm with attendees as they sipped wine and enjoyed an assortment of finger foods. Incoming TEAM President Eric DeYoung was Master of Ceremonies.

The theme of this year’s meeting was “Orchestrating a Dynamic Community Together.” Maestro Raffaele Ponti engaged the audience as he likened the nuances, challenges, optimism and musicality of the symphony to those of TEAM Punta Gorda. Nancy Johnson’s remarks focused on TEAM’s amazing relationship with city government, community non-profits, conservation organizations, local businesses and individual volunteers. Nancy reported that a total of 710 individual volunteers contributed their time and talent to a broad range of projects during 2016, the highest number ever!

Elise Smotherman with the History Park Community Garden display, which included items grown in the garden.

TEAM Director Martha Bireda, City Council Member Jaha Cummings, City Manager Howard Kunik, and City Council Member Nancy Prafke enjoy the presentations.

It was a year in which TEAM completed a new community garden at the History Park, painted another eight homes for neighbors in need, replaced an aging fleet of loaner bikes, launched the “Share the Lane” website to educate the public on bicycle safety, participated in the design and installation of “Wayfinder” signs along Punta Gorda pathways and dedicated the first of several Harborwalk interpretive conservation signs. An affordable housing initiative was launched and at the request of the City, TEAM developed of a survey to gather input from citizens that will impact the future of Gilchrist Park. Pedal & Play attracted nearly 600 cyclists and raised thousands of dollars for charity, gaily painted bikes were added to the cityscape and hundreds of volunteers, contributing members and friends shared ideas at TEAM’s fun “mixers” all over town.

Shelly Harris

Retiring TEAM President Shelly Harris was honored for his years of hard work with a lifetime contributing membership.Special recognition plaques were presented to TEAM’s 2016 Platinum Sponsors: The Mosaic Company, Koch & Company CPA, Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, Waste Management, State Insurance, Acme Bicycle Shop and Time Insurance Agency. A special Architectural Award was presented to the Vietnam Wall of Southwest Florida.

To see all the photos from the event, go to our Gallery Page and to watch the meeting highlights, click on the video below.  

TEAM Punta Gorda 2017 Annual Meeting from Intergalactic Photography on Vimeo.